Yoga can be an extremely beneficial tool to boost the Immunity and get back to normal life while you are on a recovery phase from Covid-19. What you have to take extreme care is your Diet, Sleep and Rest.
To start with, Pranayama (breathing technique) is an important thing to start with, which is simple, fast and effective. This will improve the Lung Capacity and boost immunity of your body. Pranayama like Kapalbhati, Bhastrika etc. can be very useful. Even a very simple breathing will give a very good result. The breathing exercises help better Oxygenation and exhalation of Carbon Dioxide. Deep breathing will help reduce the Stress Response in the body significantly.
Yoga Asanas or Stretching Exercises are the next thing to be practised along with Pranayama. This, as you know gives better flexibility and helps in reducing unwanted fat deposits. Blood circulation increases with regular exercises and your muscles become stronger. Start with 10 to 15 minutes of regular simple Yoga postures and breathing sessions and increase the time gradually. A 30 minutes Yoga session a day can give a very good result.
Your body will be very weak after recovering from the Covid-19 infection and hence you need to take care of your eating habits as well as the timing. Rest is very much required to get back to normal and hence try to get good sleep. Doing Yoga will help you to get back appetite and proper sleep.
The after effects of Covid-19 are not fully studied yet and can differ from person to person depending upon the severity of the infection. Many medical experts say that chances for Blood Clot/Block as well as Heart Attack is more after a recovery from Covid-19 even if you were leading a healthy lifestyle before. I myself, is an example for this, where I had a heart attack due to one 100% block in the Left Main Artery and undergone Angioplasty recently. Therefore, they suggest a mandatory Cardiac Check-up if you have recovered from Covid.
Disclaimer: This article is only for public awareness and in no way a substitute for a professional medical advice. Yoga should be practised with proper assistance and guidance from a Professional Yoga Practitioner. Consult with a dietitian to select the food that you can eat, depending upon your general health conditions