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Arthritis – Who are at risk?

Arthritis – Who are at risk?

Who are at the risk of developing Arthritis? Do you know?. I am one suffering from Arthritis for a long time. An article published in the Hindustan Times inspired me to share the article with you. It talks about habits, lifestyle changes that could prevent Arthritis risk. Let us see some key points addressed in the article.

What is it really?

While Arthritis is likely to spike up during winter, it is also possible for a person to develop when he/she is continuously living under an Air Conditioner. We know that Arthritis is caused by an inflammation of the joints resulting in mild to unbearable pain, stiffness and swelling. While there are medications, physiotherapy methods, yoga postures to cure Arthritis, to me it looks like impossible to get rid of it completely once you start having Arthritis and related problems.

Dr. Biren Nadkarni, Senior Consultant Orthopedic and Joint Replacement Surgeon at Sitaram Bhartia Institute and Holy Family Hospital in New Delhi says as follows.
“Regardless of the type of arthritis, one may experience fever, lymph nodes swelling, weight loss, tiredness, inability to use your hand, difficulty in walking, and poor sleep. Here is how you can distinguish regular pain from early signs of arthritis – joint pain, stiffness and swelling in joints, your range of motion may also decrease, redness of the skin around the joint, unexplained joint pain usually accompanied by fever, difficulty in carrying out daily chores due to joint pain while pain killers also cannot cure joint pains.”

Who are at risk?

According to Dr. Biren Nadkarni, as published in the article, the following people are at risk of having or developing Arthritis.

  1. People who are overweight or obese are more likely to develop arthritis. The more weight you put on, the more is the amount of burden you give to your hips, back and feet
  2. Consumption of over processed foods like Sugar and white flour and the o can lead to weight gain, which is hard on sore joints. Replace them with fruits, nuts, and whole grains
  3. Texting frequently and holding your phone in the exact same position can cause “smartphone thumb.” Texting stresses joints in your hands, especially your thumbs. So, if you want to keep arthritis at bay – minimize thumb texting or use the voice function to keep texting hands-free. Texting can be bad for your shoulders and neck, too
  4. Wearing high heels all the time places your feet in an awkward position that stresses joints, strains muscles, and can throw your back out of alignment. So, women who wear heels daily must keep this point in their minds that this habit may increase their risk of developing osteoarthritis and foot pain
  5. Injuries also act as risk factors. People who injured a knee in adolescence or young adulthood were three times more likely to develop osteoarthritis in that knee, compared to those who had not suffered an injury

Read the complete article published by Hindustan Times here

Disclaimer: The information published in this article is only for public awareness and based upon the article published in the Hindustan Times. If you develop joint pain, it could be due to other problems as well. Hence consult your doctor wherever necessary before attempting self medication and treatment.

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Born and brought up in Kerala, I did my schooling in Kerala and graduated (B.Sc Physics) from the Calicut University. I have worked with a Swedish Company from 1994 to 2015, as a Senior Project Manager in their Group IT Division in Dubai. This blog is the result of my strong desire to communicate with others, sharing what I know and what I could gather from various sources.


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