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Covid-19 an Eye-opener

Covid-19 an Eye-opener

For almost seven months, the whole world is suffering from the Covid-19 pandemic. While it may take a couple of months (probably much more than that) to come back to normalcy there are many things that have changed and need our immediate attention so that we can avoid another similar virus attack. The lifestyle has changed, work culture has changed, many have lost jobs, many establishments closed down, the global situation has totally changed in few months. The number of people who have died due to the Covid-19 situation is over 540,000 globally. Total number of confirmed cases reaching 12 million. We all know what we have gone through, but time will slowly erase them from our memory.

As more and more countries are slowly relaxing the restrictions and opening up for business, travel, and tourism for survival, we must be extremely careful to adhere to certain precautions so that we will not be forced for another round of lock-down. There are clearly no vaccines in place to protect us or stop spreading the virus further, though many countries are doing research and some have already started testing vaccines on human beings.

It is normal human behaviour to get frustrated about things which we do not like and get excited about what we like, and for this reason it is quite possible that we forget about all mandatory steps, warnings, do’s and don’ts that we were following during the lock-down period. Social distancing, wearing protective masks, washing hands with soap and using sanitizer frequently, being careful about what and from where we eat, avoiding public places have helped us to protect us. But now that things have become open (and being opened), if we forget about the importance of these protective methods, we will very soon end up in steep rise of the infected cases. The efforts that our governments, doctors, nurses, health workers, organizations and all those who are involved in fighting the Covid-19 have taken to contain the situation will be wasted due to our carelessness and impatience.

As malls and public places have opened for business, we can already see people flouting the requirements in social distancing and protective masks, which are pointing to a very grave situation. Hefty fines are in place in many countries for violation of safety rules and regulations. But many are not bothered about them just for the fact that there are not enough people to catch the violations. Crowded restaurants, people on the beach and other public places not maintaining social distancing and not wearing masks, people coming to super and hypermarkets with small children are common in many places.

While we can justify the frustration of sitting at home (and working from home) for weeks and months, unable to move out freely due to restrictions we should not forget that these are the factors which have helped to reduce the number of infections and further casualties. Many countries are starting domestic and international air travel for business, tourism and other purposes. It is true that no country can close down its activities and business for a long time.

At one stage people have to move freely once again and chances of infection will increase doing so. Unless we have a proper vaccine to cure or protect us from the Corona virus, people developing immunity towards the virus naturally is the only solution. We know that majority of the positive cases are asymptomatic. But many are highly susceptible to infection especially the aged, children and those who have other illness. Since the Corona Virus has mutated and having different versions of it, the symptoms and the effect also could vary from person to person. To certain extent all of us could be carriers of the virus without showing any symptoms. Now the recent news is that the Corona Virus could be airborne as well.

The only possibility to live with the situation and without serious complications is to follow the safety rules and regulations issued by the health authorities and the government. Maintain social distancing, wear protective masks, avoid crowded areas, eat clean and healthy food, wash hands with soap or use hand sanitizer as and when required, avoid reusing the dress without washing and/or disinfecting. Avoid hosting/participating parties and gatherings and if extremely necessary, do it only on the allowed numbers. Avoid swimming pools. Remember, if one person in an apartment complex is tested positive, the entire building may have to be quarantined or disinfected as the case may be. So, your negligence is causing trouble to a large number of people.

The world is never going to be the same again. Prevention is better than cure. Take care and stay safe.

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Born and brought up in Kerala, I did my schooling in Kerala and graduated (B.Sc Physics) from the Calicut University. I have worked with a Swedish Company from 1994 to 2015, as a Senior Project Manager in their Group IT Division in Dubai. This blog is the result of my strong desire to communicate with others, sharing what I know and what I could gather from various sources.


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