
Diwali Sweets and Savouries – Corn Flakes Chivda

Diwali Sweets and Savouries – Corn Flakes Chivda

Diwali Sweets and Savouries - Corn Flakes Chivda

Gayathri Nagesh and Sumathi Hariharan
We Indians, make different sweets and savouries during festivals especially for the Diwali. Today we are going to make the crisp and crunchy Corn Flakes Chivda. The recipe and preparation is tried and tested by our patrons Gayathri Nagesh and Sumathi Hariharan, which they have shared with you all.
The Corn Flakes we use in this preparation is not the usual ready-to-eat Corn Flakes. We can buy raw Corn Flakes which normally don't have anything added to it. In a matter of half an hour or so, we can make crispy, crunchy and tasty Corn Flakes Chivda at home though you can buy the same in many of the bakeries.
Mix together Red Chilli Powder, Salt and Sugar Powder with every batch of hot Corn Flakes and add a little Hing and mix well immediately. Masala catches the Flakes well when it is hot.
Spreading on a news paper will absorb most of the oil on the mixture.
Prep Time 45 mins
Cook Time 1 hr 15 mins
Servings 30


  • 1 Deep Frying Tava
  • 1 Strainer
  • 1 Spatula
  • 1 MIxing Vessel
  • 1 Drain Bowl


  • 1 Kg Raw Corn Flakes
  • 1 Kg Cooking Oil
  • 200 Gm Ground Nuts (Peanuts)
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp Turmeric Powder
  • 1 tsp Chilli Powder
  • 1 pinch Hing
  • 100 Gm Dry Coconut Slices
  • 100 Gm Kismis
  • 1 tsp Sugar Powder
  • 10 Gm Curry Leaves
  • 20 Gm Red Chilli
  • 100 Gm Cut Almonds


  • Keep a deep frying pan (tava) in medium flamd and pour oil into it
  • Keep a strainer in the oil and put a handful of Corn Flakes into it once the oil starts fuming slightly
  • Stir continuously and turn the Flakes upside down
  • Once the Flakes turn golden colour, remove the strainer from oil and drain the oil well
  • Transfer the fried Corn Flakes into a drain bowl to drain the Oil completely
  • Put another bunch of Corn Flakes for frying and fry it like before
  • Drain the oil and transfer the fried Corn Flakes into the drain bowl
  • Fry the Corn Flakes completely like this
  • Transfer the fried Corn Flakes into a mixing vessel
  • Mix Sugar Powder, Salt, Turmeric Powder, Hing and Chilli Powder. Add a pinch of it to the fried Flakes
  • Shake the vessel thoroughly so that it mixes well with the Corn Flakes
  • Next Fry the Peanuts (Ground Nuts)
  • Transfer the fried Peanuts to the strainer. Add a pinch of the Sugar, Chilli Powder mixture. Mix well and keep aside for mixing with the Flakes
  • Fry the Cut Almonds till slightly golden brown and keep aside for mixing with the Flakes
  • Now fry the Cashew Nuts and keep aside
  • Fry the dry Coconut pieces and keep aside
  • Fry the Curry Leaves and keep aside
  • Fry the Red Chilli and keep aside
  • It is time to mix the different items together. Spread the Kismis over the Corn Flakes
  • Spread the Corn Flakes on a news paper and put all the fried items on to it
  • Thoroughly mix the mixture by hand
  • Crispy Crunchy Corn Flakes Chivda is ready now. Transfer it to an air-tight container
  • Read the tips in the description before starting the preparation

Watch the making Video on YouTube

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