Art and Craft

Indian Art and Craft – Garhwali Dance

Indian Art and Craft – Garhwali Dance

Garhwali Dance form is from the region of Tehri Garhwal of Uttarakhand in India. Garhwal is one of the two administrative divisions of the Indian State of Uttarakhand, lying in the Himalayas.

People of Garhwal are known as Garhwali and they speak the Garhwali Language. Garhwal is associated with mythological stories and incidents of the Puranic period.

Dance forms

The Garhwali dance, known as Langvir Nritya is presented by the men folk, supported by bamboo poles. The lead dancer climbs on top of a bamboo pole fixed at a place and does acrobatic feats. The dancer balances self on the stomach on the peak. Instruments such as Dhol and Damaun are used to create a vigorous atmosphere by the band musicians.

Barada Nati is a dance form mainly of Jaunsar Bhawar of Dehra Dun district which also is part of Garhwal. Boys and girls take part in this dance form during religious festivals and social events. The dancers wear a colourful dress and the dance is popular in the Garhwal region. The dance form is of relaxing type, showing the purity and vivacity of the life.

Yet another form of dance prominent in the Garhwal region is the Pandav Nritya, depicting stories of the Pandavas. Garhwal region is closely associated with the life of Pandavas. Different incidents from the story of Mahabharata are depicted in this dance form. The dancers play the role of Pandavas and Draupati and performed in a large area so that many can participate in this dance. This dance form is mainly performed on the eve of Dussehra and Deepawali.

Picture used for illustration only – Credit: Mirror Uttarakhand
Video Credit: WildFilmsIndia

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