Instrumental Music



Harp is a stringed musical instrument having a Soundboard and a number of strings running at an angle to the Soundboard. Harp is played by plucking the strings with fingers and tapping on the Soundboard.

The instrument is triangular in shape and it can be played in various ways like standing or sitting. It is used in Orchestras and Concerts. Harps can be found in Iraq, Iran, Egypt, India, China, Europe and Americas. All Harps have a neck, resonator and strings. The triangular or frame Harps have a pillar at their long end to support the strings. Arch Harps and Bow Harps which are classified as Open Harps do not have the pillar.

Each string produces one note. The gradation of string length from short to long corresponding to that from high to low pitch. The resonator is usually made of wood or skin. In the Arch or Bow Shaped Harps the neck extends from and forms a curve within the body. In Angular Harps, body and neck form an angle.

Let us watch a video or Harp

Video used for illustration only – Credit: Evlina Simon

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