
New Gen and Lifestyle Diseases

New Gen and Lifestyle Diseases

Lifestyle of the New Gen has changed dramatically and that attributes to a number of health issues at the younger age. At one time, it was elderly or middle aged who were more susceptible to lifestyle changes but now even children are not being spared. This is a serious situation and needs urgent attention and correction.

Three of the most serious health issues found in the youth are due to Smoking, Alcohol Consumption and Stress. Smoking and usage of Tobacco products are increasing despite the statutory warnings. Same is the case with Alcohol consumption. These have become status symbols of the new generation. They feel the community do not accept them without these habits. Studied reveal that approximately 150 million youth smoke and/or use tobacco products. The number is continuously on the rise. What about Alcohol? it has become a “must-item” during celebrations. But what in reality do these people gain? May be I am wrong. But the situation is both alarming and disturbing too.

Whom to blame?

Everybody want to achieve heights in studies and career and want to maintain high-end lifestyle. People work long and erratic hours, succumb to social obligations and pressure of casual smoking and/or drinking. They end up eating unhealthy and junk food. This in turn lifestyle diseases like Heart Problems, Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Cancer and other life-thretening ailments.

Changes to Lifestyle can prevent diseases at any age

Some simple changes in lifestyle can keep us healthy and fit. Remember, a healthy body and mind only can produce sustaining good results in life.

  • Try to minimize the use of Lifts and Escalators – take Stairs instead
  • Parking your vehicle – instead of parking just at the door-step, park your vehicle farthest possible and walk
  • Swim, do Cycling or play with children outdoor regularly
  • Reduce intake of Butter and switch to Margarine
  • Cut down Fat and Sugar in your food intake
  • Exercise, Yoga and Meditation at least thirty minutes a day is highly recommended
  • Drink plenty of water – at lease 2 to 3 liters of water a day is what your body needs at an average
  • Get sufficient sleep and that too sound sleep every night
  • Practice to take things lightly and try to control your emotions as far as possible
  • Junk Foods, Untimely Eating Habits, Smoking and consumption of Alcohol and/or Tobacco products must be controlled to the very minimum if you cannot stop them completely
  • Avoid watching TV, Mobile, Tablet, Computer etc. before going to bed. Sleep early and get up early. An early dinner will give sufficient time for digestion before going to bed
  • Wherever possible, reduce sitting in Air Conditioned rooms as you are breathing recycled air most of the time. Get out of the room frequently and try to grab some fresh air

Live Healthy and Happy. Finally, remember you are the winner or loser.

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Born and brought up in Kerala, I did my schooling in Kerala and graduated (B.Sc Physics) from the Calicut University. I have worked with a Swedish Company from 1994 to 2015, as a Senior Project Manager in their Group IT Division in Dubai. This blog is the result of my strong desire to communicate with others, sharing what I know and what I could gather from various sources.


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