
Oral Insulin Capsule

Oral Insulin Capsule

We will very soon be able to take Oral Insulin Capsule. Nanotechnology has opened the doors to the future of Insulin Medication. A team of researchers from Australia have developed a system that could allow taking insulin dose orally. According to the researchers, the new Insulin could be taken as a tablet or embedded within a chocolate. An article publshed on 4th May 2024 by the University of Sydney describes about this new achievement.

Testing of this new Insulin dosage has been done on mice, rats and baboon animal models. If successful on Humans, people with diabetes can get away from the side-effects linked to taking Insulin Injections, the conventional practice for diabetes. Studies on animal models reveal that the greatest strength of these nano-scale material is that it can react to the body’s sugar levels. The coating dissolves and releases Insulin on those areas where there is high concentration of blood sugar. It does not release insulin in low blood sugar environments.

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Born and brought up in Kerala, I did my schooling in Kerala and graduated (B.Sc Physics) from the Calicut University. I have worked with a Swedish Company from 1994 to 2015, as a Senior Project Manager in their Group IT Division in Dubai. This blog is the result of my strong desire to communicate with others, sharing what I know and what I could gather from various sources.


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