This is a concert with Nadaswaram and Thavil as the main instruments. Usually these types of concerts are known as Nadaswaram Kacheri. Featured are two prominent artists Valayapatti A.R Subramaniam on Thavil and Thiruvizha Jayashankar on Nadaswaram. The first song is famous “Vathapi Ganapathim Bhaje” in the Hamsadhwani Ragam, rendered in Adi Talam. Thiruvizha Jayashankar Shri Thiruvizha Jayashankar, born in 1940 is a well known classical musician and Nadaswaram Maestro from Thiruvizha in the Alleppey district of Kerala. He is the son of Thiruvizha Raghava Panicker and grand son of Thiruvizha Sanku Panicker who where Nadaswaram Maestros. He had his preliminary lessons taught by his grand father and advanced training from his father. Jayashankar is a Diploma holder in Music from ...
Thavil or Tavil is a hand percussion instrument. It is a barrel shaped drum, having leather membranes stretched on both the open ends. Thavil is mostly used in Temples and other religious festivals along with Nadaswaram. Thavil is used to accompany Nadaswaram on Carnatic Music, Folk and other genre of music. Construction The Thavil is made out of a cylindrical shell which is hollowed out of a solid block of wood. Usually the wood of Jack Fruit tree is used to make the hollow barrel shaped body. The skin (leather) of water buffalo (on the right side) and goat (on the left side) are stretched across the open sides of the shell. Hemp hoops are used to attach and stretch the skins on the shell. The right side of the Thavil is larger in diameter than the left side. The skin on the right side of...
Nadaswaram is a double reed, wind instrument having its origin from South India. It is a part of the family of musical instruments known as Mangala Vadyam. Mangala means “Auspecious” and Vadyam means “Instrument”. Nadaswaram finds an important place in the South Indian Classical Music and widely used in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. It resembles the North Indian Shehnai but it is much longer than Shehnai. It is also one of the world’s loudest non-brass instruments. Nadaswarm is usually paired with Tavil a double headed Drum Instrument. Structure The three main parts of Nadaswaram are Kuzhal, Thimiru and Anasu. Kuzhal or a long Tube with seven finger holes is the important part. Holes are drilled at equal intervals. The tip of the instrument...